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Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign Launched

St. Louis, MO - The Archdiocese of Saint Louis, MO recently announced the launch of the Annual Catholic Appeal. 


Catholics throughout the archdiocese are encouraged to consider pledging a gift to the annual appeal fromApril 07 - May 07, 2017. 


The Office of Stewardship has set a goal of raising $13.75 million this year to benefit initiatives and programs throughout the archdiocese. Ninety-one cents of every dollar raised goes directly into the community in the form of direct services. Information about how your

tax-deductible charitable contribution is used can be found on the Annual Appeal website.






A Message from Archbishop Carlson on the Annual Appeal


One constant in Mary’s life, in the midst of great uncertainty, was her complete confidence in God and His plan for her. From the beginning, when the angel Gabriel announced that she would be the Mother of God, until her Son’s crucifixion, burial and resurrection, Mary remained of one heart. At a time when so much is being asked of our Catholic families, I am thankful for your ongoing generosity. Your extraordinary sacrifices are a true reflection of Mary’s willingness to be of “one heart, in charity.” 


Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson
Archbishop of St. Louis 




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